Warmest greetings!
Warmest Greetings of this festive season and best wishes for happiness this New Year!
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But we are proud to say that Małgorzata Sawicka Koprowicz contributed 62 entries already.
Warmest Greetings of this festive season and best wishes for happiness this New Year!
Celebrating our 18th anniversary, we have done the interview with the president and owner of our company – Reinhard Kohlhauer. The history of the KOHLHAUER Group has begun in 1993. What motivated you to get involved in noise protection and environmentally friendly solutions? Was there a specific moment or event that influenced this decision? I […]
Figure it out with us: until now, noise protection has been associated with a costly expense. But it can also be an investment in renewable energy! 200 MW – this would be the output of a combined installation of VOLTA® panels if they were mounted on all of our barriers with total surface of 1.25 million square meters – that’s the surface area of the noise barriers produced and installed by the Kohlhauer group.
Just a few examples of our projects in soundproofing sports facilities you can find here. We cannot imagine sports arenas without vibrant activity. But do local residents need to be exposed to the side effects of a fans’ good time?
Pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and fine particulate matter such as PM10 and PM2.5 directly affect our health and harms the environment. How we can manage this? The answer is…
Z myślą o ochronie środowiska pracujemy i realizujemy nasze sportowe pasje. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do przyłączenia się do naszego firmowego Kohlhauer Cycling Team. Wspólne treningi i start w zawodach mile widziane!
We are a partner of the VI International Tunnel Forum in Bielsko-Biała, organized by Polski Kongres Drogowy, taking place next week! On the first day of the Forum, Adam Mielczarek will present our innovative solutions for combating noise and pollution in tunnels. ALFA BOND KOHLHAUER acoustic linings are installed, among other locations, at the entrances […]
The World Earth Day is a great opportunity to show our commitment to protecting the environment! We specialize in ecological solutions for cities, building innovative road and railway acoustic screens and providing advanced air purification systems.
Best wishes from Alfa Bond Kohlhauer team!