Our company is one of the fastest growing in the Polish environmental protection industry. We specialize in the construction of soundproof screens. We create our own solutions and innovative products, distinguished by durability, quality and aesthetics. If you want to design and implement them – we are waiting for you.


    The KOHLHAUER Group is an owner-managed European family business. Our priority is to provide employees with opportunities for personal and professional development. Regardless of whether you are starting your career with us or already have experience, we will support you and prepare you for new tasks. You will quickly become an important part of a globally successful and respected company.

    Our employees enjoy their work, take responsibility for their actions and create added value for customers. Join us.


    Partnership and value orientation are key elements of our corporate culture. We are guided by the principles functioning in a family business. Each of us can and should develop our strengths and talents. The diversity of our team is our strength. We implement projects together and we develop together.


    We are constantly looking for new, committed employees to join our team. If you are interested in an interesting and secure job, fair remuneration and development prospects, please contact us.



    Adam Mielczarek - Innovation Advisor to the Management Board

    I really appreciate working for ABK. A well-coordinated team, lack of corporate restrictions, mutual trust and a friendly atmosphere as well as the opportunity to develop skills are its main advantages. As a person involved in the development of new products, I appreciate the great freedom to create and organize my work and the focus of our company on innovation.

    Marcin Dziedzic - Production Manager

    Very good atmosphere in the company and friendly people – these are the two aspects that I value most when working for ABK. This is facilitated by open communication between employees and helpfulness at all levels. I have been the head of production for over 2 years and I am still positively surprised. I have the support of my superior, who gives me space to implement my own initiative. I also appreciate working hours that allow you to maintain a work-life balance.

    Magdalena Obszańska - Project Manager

    I don’t even know when 9 years in ABK flew by. For me, this company is primarily people who have their own passions and interests. Everyone is very interesting and everyone is different, but together we make a very good team. The work is interesting and diverse: projects in Poland and around the world, small and large, individual solutions, but also comprehensive implementations. There is never boredom.
    The management has a very individual approach to the employee and his needs. There is no problem to set individual working hours or remote work.


    Adam Mielczarek - Innovation Advisor to the Management Board

    I really appreciate working for ABK. A well-coordinated team, lack of corporate restrictions, mutual trust and a friendly atmosphere as well as the opportunity to develop skills are its main advantages. As a person involved in the development of new products, I appreciate the great freedom to create and organize my work and the focus of our company on innovation.

    Marcin Dziedzic - Production Manager

    Very good atmosphere in the company and friendly people – these are the two aspects that I value most when working for ABK. This is facilitated by open communication between employees and helpfulness at all levels. I have been the head of production for over 2 years and I am still positively surprised. I have the support of my superior, who gives me space to implement my own initiative. I also appreciate working hours that allow you to maintain a work-life balance.

    Magdalena Obszańska - Project Manager

    I don’t even know when 9 years in ABK flew by. For me, this company is primarily people who have their own passions and interests. Everyone is very interesting and everyone is different, but together we make a very good team. The work is interesting and diverse: projects in Poland and around the world, small and large, individual solutions, but also comprehensive implementations. There is never boredom.
    The management has a very individual approach to the employee and his needs. There is no problem to set individual working hours or remote work.


    We are constantly looking for new, committed employees to join our team. If you are interested in an interesting and secure job, fair remuneration and development prospects, please contact us.

    Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia

    Warmest greetings!

    Warmest Greetings of this festive season and best wishes for happiness this New Year!

    Interview with Reinhard Kohlhauer – owner and president of our company

    Celebrating our 18th anniversary, we have done the interview…
    cicha rewolucja w produkcji energii

    Silent revolution in energy production

    Figure it out with us: until now, noise protection has been associated with a costly expense. But it can also be an investment in renewable energy! 200 MW – this would be the output of a combined installation of VOLTA® panels if they were mounted on all of our barriers with total surface of 1.25 million square meters – that's the surface area of the noise barriers produced and installed by the Kohlhauer group.
    Ekrany Scorsa na pływalni w Brzegu 4

    Sports Facilities Friendly to the Environment

    Just a few examples of our projects in soundproofing sports facilities you can find here. We cannot imagine sports arenas without vibrant activity. But do local residents need to be exposed to the side effects of a fans' good time?

    A way to clean air – then and now

    Pollutants like nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and fine particulate matter such as PM10 and PM2.5 directly affect our health and harms the environment. How we can manage this? The answer is...

    Unsung hero of Climate Classic 2024

    Z myślą o ochronie środowiska pracujemy i realizujemy nasze sportowe pasje. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do przyłączenia się do naszego firmowego Kohlhauer Cycling Team. Wspólne treningi i start w zawodach mile widziane!

    We are a partner of the VI International Tunnel Forum in Bielsko-Biała

    We are a partner of the VI International Tunnel Forum in Bielsko-Biała,…
    cicha rewolucja w produkcji energii

    The World Earth Day 2024

    The World Earth Day is a great opportunity to show our commitment to protecting the environment! We specialize in ecological solutions for cities, building innovative road and railway acoustic screens and providing advanced air purification systems.
    Wesołych Świąt Wielkanocnych życzy Alfa Bond Kohlhauer

    Easter 2024

    Best wishes from Alfa Bond Kohlhauer team!
    Kohlhauer Cycling Team


    Z myślą o ochronie środowiska pracujemy i realizujemy nasze sportowe pasje. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do przyłączenia się do naszego firmowego Kohlhauer Cycling Team. Wspólne treningi i start w zawodach mile widziane!
    Maciej Zakrzewski w pierwszym biurze ABK, marzec 2006 r.

    18th anniversary of the company’s founding

    Today we celebrate our 18th birthday, We support investors, care about the comfort of local communities and provide Smart City solutions for local governments. We see opportunities where others see barriers
    Intertraffic Amsterda 2024

    INTERTRAFFIC Amsterdam 2024

    We invite you to visit booth no. 08.465 at Intertraffic 2024 in Amsterdam from 16 to 19 April 2024. Intertraffic Amsterdam is the world's leading exhibition for traffic and mobility technologies
    Pamares - system oczyszczania powietrza w miastach

    Europe wants clean air

    EU air quality standards are to be aligned with global WHO guidelines by 2030. The target is to virtually eliminate air pollution in the EU by 2050.
    Zanieczyszczenia powietrza w tunelach usuwa FDRS

    Problem solver for dust reduction in tunnels

    Pollution will remain even if combustion cars disappear from our roads completely. However, there is a way…
    Jesteśmy parnterem Smart City Forum - Kongres Inteligentnych Miast

    Cities will become more and more smart

    Interesting conclusions could be drawn by participating in the Smart City Forum in Warsaw. Residents expect their cities to become more and more "smart", i.e. better connected, less polluted and quieter.
    Jesteśmy parnterem Smart City Forum - Kongres Inteligentnych Miast

    We are Partner of Smart City Forum in Warsaw

    Smart City Forum in a week! We are a partner of this event. In Warsaw, on November 20 and 21, we will present our solutions for air purification in cities and health resorts. Effective solutions! This is our contribution to the holiday - Clean Air Day.
    przezroczysty panel akustyczny połączony z aluminium

    A subtle combination of aluminum and transparent screens

    The final effect of the construction of the acoustic screen in Winnica near Pułtusk looks very good. It is a subtle combination of gray aluminum panels and transparent KOHLHAUER SCORSA

    StaticAir and we clean the air together

    We have just signed a cooperation agreement with the Dutch company StaticAir, which specializes in urban dust removal systems. StaticAir units are included in the ALFA BOND KOHLHAUER offer. We will be their exclusive distributor in Poland. The agreement was signed by Maciej Zakrzewski and P.H. Bruinsma. The negotiations were attended by Lokesh Jain and Adam Mielczarek.
    szosowy team


    We combine noise protection and reduce our impact on the climate. We often go to work by bike, hence the decision to create a road team.

    Jekaterina Cvetkova – welcome on board of our company

    Jekaterina Cvetkova ma 15 letnie doświadczenie w wielu międzynarodowych firmach przemysłowych i budowlanych, m. in. na Łotwie. Ukończyła studia na wydziale Social science economics w łotewskim Institute of Transport and Communications. Od 2016 r. współpracuje z grupą Kohlhauer.

    Noise emission standards won’t make any difference on their own

    The standards and functional requirements for anti-noise devices won’t do the job on their own. What is more important is the quality of materials used, acoustic efficiency and architectonic adaptation of noise barriers to their surroundings.


    The walls installed here impress with their innovative, modular and highly flexible design and fully meet the special technical challenges of this project.


    The photovoltaic project at the Montessori school in Neuötting has already won several awards. Now another award has been added: The noise barrier is to serve as a model for other projects in Bavaria.
    Gala Innowatorów ESG 2022: dwie nagrody dla firm z grupy KOHLHAUER (ALFA BOND KOHLHAUER oraz EXEL AIR TECH)


    For us, ESG is not just an abbreviation for factors based on which rankings and ratings are created. The best proof is the awards for our products during the #ESG 2022 Innovators Gala. Kohlhauer VOLTA acoustic screens integrated with photovoltaic panels received a distinction, and a silver award - the project of the EXEL device used for large-scale air purification of pollutants.

