Ekrany Scorsa na pływalni w Brzegu 4

Sports Facilities Friendly to the Environment

An outdoor swimming pool in Brzeg, the municipal stadium in Prudnik, a skatepark in Leszno near Warsaw, or the stadium in Munster, Germany during the Preussen vs. Bayern Munich cup match – these are just a few examples of our projects in soundproofing sports facilities. We cannot imagine sports arenas without vibrant activity. But do local residents need to be exposed to the side effects of a good time?

Sports facilities are Alfa Bond Kohlhauer’s specialty. Stadiums and other recreational centers are often located in cities or near residential areas. Acoustic protection of sports venues plays a key role in ensuring the comfort and safety not only of users but, above all, of residents in neighboring areas. Thanks to modern solutions in acoustic insulation, such as those offered by ABK, it is possible to significantly reduce noise levels, which brings a range of benefits to both athletes and fans.

What can we offer to operators and owners of such facilities? First – protection. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to health problems such as hearing damage or stress. Acoustic protection helps minimize these risks. Second – satisfaction of nearby residents. Effective soundproofing of sports venues reduces the nuisance of noise, contributing to improved social relations and overall satisfaction with living in a given area. Third – user comfort. Noise reduction inside sports facilities, such as swimming pools and stadiums, translates into greater acoustic comfort for users, which promotes better concentration and performance for athletes.

For us, soundproofing sports facilities is just as important as reducing noise along highways, railways, or express routes. Our competencies are demonstrated through our many completed projects. By using our advanced acoustic panels at the pool in Brzeg, we significantly reduced noise levels both inside the pool and in its surroundings. The pool has been operational since July this year. At the stadium in Prudnik, we installed our innovative, transparent sound-absorbing screens, which will effectively reduce noise generated during matches and other sporting events. Local residents will appreciate quieter evenings, while fans and athletes can fully focus on the excitement of the games. The German Cup match last season between Preussen Munster and Bayern Munich is another example of ensuring privacy for organizers and participants. The stadium in Munster was open behind one of the goals, allowing people to watch the match without entering the venue. The sound also spread too widely in the area. Our ALUFERA® panels, installed specifically for that event, enclosed the stadium and were the unsung hero of the match.

At Alfa Bond Kohlhauer, we believe that modern acoustic protection technologies are key to creating friendly and safe sports spaces. We invite all institutions wishing to raise the standards of their facilities to collaborate with us. Photos of our projects can be found in our gallery and on our LinkedIn profile.